Ten tips on how to manage family life in isolation

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The things you can do to make family life in isolation easier on everyone

  1. Routines – make a preferred routine which you discuss with other people in the house eg. morning might be ‘work ‘ afternoons may be more flexible

  2. Review and keep reviewing so tensions do not build, think solutions rather than complaints

  3. Offer compromises or choices – everyone likes a choice more than an edict

  4. Share jobs – e.g there is no reason why one person has to do all the tasks. While we often work to strengths it might be positive to offer to show your partner how to do something. Maybe this is an opportunity to develop new skills

  5. Make your day balanced - it’s good to have time alone too

  6. Managing anxiety – try not to look too far ahead, think about how much news and social media you want in a day

  7. Think about safe uncertainty – uncertainty is a given, what can we do to make it as safe as possible, what is in our control to influence

  8. What gives me pleasure and calm? Let your partner know, their pleasure and calm may be different from yours

  9. Stay in touch with friends and family not just “how are you”. Organise an online quiz via facetime or Zoom

  10. Notice when you are feeling irritated – do something different. Negative patterns of communication are like a beautiful dance – you both know the steps and what comes next

Change the music